Building Bounce Project
We have raised $5,288 towards our goal of $8,000!
Donate NOW to help us reach our goal by the end of August!
Stefanie Hinman is launching a new project through Healing Expressions. This project will allow her to bring resilience and emotional capacity training to schools, families, and Community Caregivers across the area.
She will be training Bounce Coaches in various organizations to pass the skills to the people they serve. We believe as these skills are learned and practiced, families will become stronger and healthier!
We cannot help with all of the challenges that face families today, but we CAN help them become stronger and more resilient in the face of these challenges.
Watch this VIDEO for more information!
Consider DONATING to help this project launch THIS FALL!
Visit our SHOP for more Bounce Resources​
Our primary goal at the Trauma Healing Center is to see our community find freedom and healing by providing:
* free trauma-informed education to the people helping our community
* supportive environments for people seeking healing
* personally tailored resources for each and every person
In house, we offer support groups, personal assessments for people in need of care, organizational crisis intervention, support for Community Caregivers, and education on trauma-informed care.
You can also find FREE booklets with valuable information on personal growth and development developed by our staff here at the Trauma Healing Center.
Outside of our organization, we are building relationships with Community Caregivers across Kansas City who specialize in meeting specific counseling, spiritual, and support needs.
For resources in our community, select the category below that best describes who you are, and you will find some of the best resources our community has to offer!
Welcome to the
Trauma Healing Center, Inc.
**Special thanks to the KC DreamCenter, Lenexa Police Department, Lenexa Fire Department, Bryan Vignery, Pneuma Pilates & Wellness, Ryan Burnett, Life.Church Lenexa and the many others for making this picture possible!**
Community Caregivers
Community Caregivers include first responders, pastors, counselors, medical professionals, educators, social workers, and many others in our community. These people assist in maintaining the health and safety of our community.
Community Resources
We all need support at different points in our life. If you are searching for a counselor, support groups, podcast, or other resource related to mental health or spiritual healing, you have come to the right place!