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Melissa Finger

Crisis Response – Coming Soon!

Crisis is not a pleasant word for most of us. While some thrive in the pressure of a crisis, most of us need support and community more than even when a crisis strikes. Whether it is a natural disaster, an act of violence, or another incident of shared grief within the community, crisis happens all around us. We at the Trauma Healing Center desire to help.

Having walked through various crisis with many, many people over the years, one thing is very consistent: the need for direction. Crisis very naturally brings with it a state of shock and confusion. The world around you has suddenly shifted in an unexpected way, and you aren’t sure what to do next. In many cases, there are social workers, police officers, and other organizations that can be there and assist with immediate needs, but no one organization can do it all. This is where our Crisis Response comes in.

Once we launch the Trauma Healing Center, we will be able to provide a process similar to that of the Personal Assessment for those involved in the community crisis. In cooperation with law enforcement, social workers, and other professionals, we will assess the situation and develop a plan of support, healing, and recovery for the individuals and families involved. Utilizing our list of Community Partners, as well as other organizations available to help, we will be able to respond with strategies that may include:

  • Mental health stability

  • Spiritual support

  • Basic needs (food, clothing, housing)

  • Support groups

  • Resources such as books, websites, and podcasts

  • Life Coaching to help move forward

These are just a few of the services that are often needed. Our Crisis Response will be tailored to the event and the people involved to help in the best way our community can offer.

Help us prepare for these interventions by:

  1. Praying regularly for our community

  2. Praying that God will send resources that are needed

While no one wants to go through a traumatic event, no one should have to go through these events alone.

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